In 1995, while singing at their home church (Northside Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana) Tom Linder, Janet and Ray Seaman formed a singing group known as "The Trio". Over the next 9 years "The Trio" would also enjoy the opportunity of serving in song in other church’s worship services and revivals, The State Convention, The Evangelism Conference, as well as many other special occasions and venues including an annually televised outreach ministry known as "The Indiana Christmas Pageant", which for 8 consecutive years provided them with yet another mission field to sing of God’s word and promises. In 2003 the gospel singing talent of Eric Shaw was proudly added to the group and the new name "HIS VOICE Through Us" was established. We heard an inspiring message titled "Pick Me, Pick Me" from our pastor Dr. Mark Hearn, based on the prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NKJV). “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.” At our next rehearsal, we prayed the same prayer and felt the Lord leading us to expand our own territory. The Lord is granting us our prayer also and continues opening doors we didn`t even know existed. “His Voice through Us” is not your ordinary quartet. Four individuals have come together after being raised in church homes by Godly parents and being involved in some form of “music ministry” all their lives to present the gospel through song, music and testimony, about the miraculous power of Jesus Christ! Our music style is traditional. Our music ministry has been described as warm, tender, smooth, sincere, stirring, along with many other secular terms. That’s all fine and flattering but what means the most to us is when people come up after a music worship service and tell us that God spoke to him/her “through” our music and that the service had truly been a worship experience. Simply put, we sing so that His Voice (will be heard) through Us. We love the opportunity to work with churches and organizations to provide music worship where ever and when ever there is an opportunity with meetings, gatherings, conferences, seminars, and/or other outreach ministries.