
Warm Christian greetings!
… and a one-time music event became a passionate ministry!
Since 2004, Brotherhood is dedicated to sharing the love of God through gospel music – old and new. Our foundational scripture is 1 Peter 2:17, “Honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God and honor the King”. Our purpose and mission is to spread the Good News message in word and song. Over the years’, Brotherhood had been comprised of pastors, missionaries and servant leaders who desire to praise the Lord, reach the lost and to uplift and encourage believers!
The members hail from across the USA – Nebraska, Arizona, South Carolina and New York City. Coming from different musical backgrounds, as well, we “found” each other at a local church in Orlando, Florida. And each one desired to reconnect with their gospel music roots in a more tangible way.
Brotherhood ministers at various venues and been blessed to share the concert stage with The Floridians, Trust Quartet and Lillie Knauls from Gaither Homecoming. We travel throughout Florida and, on many occasions, have toured the New York/ New Jersey metro area, as well. We’ve evolved into an eclectic quartet - pushing the limits while staying true to our gospel harmony roots. Southern gospel is our prominent style but we inject R&B, acappella, praise & worship and country flavors to reach the masses. Wherever we go, God’s presence is there, regardless of audience size, age or culture!
For ministry bookings, call John Pantuso (407-595-7121) during regular business hours. Brotherhood operates on a love offering basis unless ministry takes us a great distance from our home base in Orlando. We support various ministries such as the Jesus Film project and provide scholarships for men to attend a weekend encounter with God. Results are life changing for that man, husband and father! Help make a difference.
Visit Brotherhoods’ social media site and “be a friend” on our Facebook page at Brotherhoodgospelmusic. You’ll see devotionals, videos, pictures, concert schedule and more; comments/ posts are welcomed, as well.
Lastly, but most importantly, keep Brotherhood in your prayers as we continue to expand the ministry outreach boundaries to “whosoever will”, with His help and guidance.
Advancing the kingdom,
Schedule of Events