2x2 Quartet 2 of Cleveland, TN

2x2 Quartet 2
2x2 Quartet 2

GospelGigs URL:
Official Group Website:


The 2x2 Quartet was established in April 2005; based in the beautiful hills of Cleveland, Tennessee. The meaning of the group name comes from Matthew 18:20, “for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Together, these young men work for the Lord as they spread the Gospel of their Savior through Southern Gospel Music.

Come worship the Savior with us!

Jeff, Garry, Mark, David, and Kendall

Schedule of Events

sql=select * from ggevent where groupid='2x2qt' and datemmm > ' ' and dateyyyy > ' ' and datedd > ' ' and timehh > ' ' and venue > ' ' and city > ' ' and state > ' ' and zip > ' 'and title > ' ' order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy+' '+timehh+':'+case when timemm <= ' ' then '00' else timemm end+case when len(timeampm) > 0 then left(timeampm,1) else 'A' end +'M' as datetime)
Date Event Name
(click for event details)