sql=select distinct top 199 premium,cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime),ggevent.timeampm,ggevent.timehh,ggevent.timemm,genre,feature,ggevent.xid,groupname,longitudex as longitude,latitudex as latitude,ggevent.xid,timemm,timehh,timeampm,title,ggevent.zip,ggevent.city,ggevent.state,venue,location,datemmm,datedd,dateyyyy,groupname,ggevent.groupid,ggevent.areacode,ggevent.prefix,ggevent.suffix,ggevent.extension,description,ggevent.contact,ggevent.email,admission,cost,sqrt(power(69.1*(35.110055-latitudex),2)+power(53*(-89.945392-longitudex),2)) as miles from ggevent,gguser,zipcodes where approved='Y' and ggevent.title <> 'ggnew' and ggevent.title > ' ' and ggevent.groupid > ' ' and gguser.groupid=ggevent.groupid and zipcodes.zipcode=ggevent.zip and ggevent.xid=321638 order by cast(datemmm+' '+datedd+' '+dateyyyy as datetime)
Gospel Gigs - Event Details
Event Details

Rick Moore & The Spiritual Echoes
GSG Radio - Carnival Cruise

Visit Rick Moore & The Spiritual Echoes Homepage

Event Information:   Join us for this 6-day Carnival cruise as we sail from Port Canaveral to The Grand Turks and then onward to The Dominican Republic with our friends from GSG Radio (Global Southern Gospel Radio). Please contact us to obtain a registration form and to acquire more detailed information. We will be joining several independent artists to provide good Christian music and fellowship. Let`s sail away and worship together November 25-30, 2023. Everyone is welcome!
Event Date:   Nov 30 2023
Event Start Time:   8:00 a.m
Admission:   Ticketed Event  
Venue Name:   GSG Radio - Carnival Cruise
Venue Address:   9050 Discovery Dr.
City:   Cape Canaveral
State/Providence:   FL
Zip/Postal Code:   32920
 View Map to this Location »
Contact Person:   Rick Moore
Contact Phone:   (614)595-9776
Contact E-mail:   TheSpiritualEchoesMusic@gmail.com